A painting of men and dogs

Harwich artist, Elaine Felos Ostrander, formerly from Stoughton, MA, has been creating tribute paintings for the past 20 years.  It started with her 911 Tribute:  United We Rise.  Ostrander’s tributes continued when […]

A painting of a house with chairs in front of it.

Guest Artist Demonstrator, Saturday, March 16, 2019, 2:00 PMHarwich Community Center, 100 Oak Street, Harwich Continuing a lifelong connection to earth and ocean, Joyce Zavorskas has exhibited in London, Paris, […]

A watercolor painting of flowers in a vase.

Julie Blanchard joins us as the February guest artist. The Guild of Harwich Artists hold monthly meetings January through May, and September through November, at the Harwich Community Center, 100 Oak Street, Harwich, MA. Each meeting features a well-known Cape artist demonstrator. All programs are free and open to the public. #ForArtAndCommunity #GuildOfHarwichArtists #CapeCod