Sedona Summer will be featuring her children’s book, Spunky Sherry Sprite, the girl that loved to dance, at a Meet The Artist on December 7, 2019 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the Art Gallery of The Guild of Harwich Artists.
Spunky Sherry Sprite is an average happy and carefree child. She loves nature, dancing, and singing. One day she learns about something called meditation from one of her favorite songwriters and singers. He met a man from the far away country of India and that man was called a guru. They spoke of ‘inner’ peace, and joy. They also said a DEEPER love could belong to anyone that practiced meditation. Before long, Sherry’s little brother, Dandy Dancing Danny wants to join her in her practice of meditation so that the sun will smile at him, too. This is Spunky Sherry Sprite’s story of self-awareness. This book doubles as a coloring book and is a treasure for any child between the ages of 3 thru 12, depending on their level of maturity.