President’s Message
The GHA Board met last Monday to address multiple agenda items. The following is my outline summary of the proceedings. Please feel free to ask questions.
Financial: The Guild remains financially stable despite last year’s challenges. The Board approved a similarly modest balanced 2021 Budget to be adjusted quarterly as circumstances unfold.
Membership: Karen Shortsleeve, Chair, informs us that to date 50 members have renewed their memberships for 2021. I encourage those who have not yet done so to consider the many ways that the Guild continues to support our local community, especially those in need. The new 2021 membership form is available on our website: GHA 2021 Membership Form. I am happy to inform members that the Board moved to elevate two longtime and cherished members to Honorary Membership –all the benefits and no dues. Please join me in celebrating Fran Geberth and June Saline for their many contributions to the Guild and our community for over three decades.
Gallery: Katherine Vacca, Gallery Representative, noted that despite late opening and limited hours in 2020 the Gallery sales exceeded 2019 sales. Two artwork display panels are currently available. Members are currently being juried for acceptance. If you would like to learn more about becoming a member fill out our online application form and email Marlene Weil at [email protected]
Art-in-the-Park: Sedona Summer, Vice President, will be chairing Art-in-the-Park this year. Members interesting in learning more about plans for the 2021 season are invited to join us for a Zoom meeting on Saturday, February 13, 11:30 a.m. If you would like to participate email me with a “yes” and you will be sent a Zoom link Saturday morning.
Chatham Bars Inn Art Show: Sedona Summer and Karen Shortsleeve announced that 36 paintings were received from Guild Members. Dominic Boreffi of Gallery Antonia (Chatham) will jury these for inclusion In the Saturday, March 20, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. exhibition. Accepted artists will be informed by the end of the month.

Sunshine: Donna Tavano, Chair, the creative force behind the tradition of acknowledging our members and community by way of handcrafted ‘sunshine’ cards, teamed with Peg Rose to rally members around the idea of Valentine Cards. Members were asked to paint/decorate 4×6 cards to be placed in envelopes and included in the meals distributed by the Harwich Council on Aging. Thanks to our members, over 80 Valentine Cards were handed to Emily Mitchell, COA Director who stated: “Thank you for spreading joy throughout our community at this time of year!”

Scholarship & Education: I am pleased to announce that the Board approved the 2021 Budget that included a $1,000 scholarship. Co-Chairs Erica Strzepek, Elaine Ostrander, and Joan Carroll will commence their outreach to both 2021 and 2020 graduates. Abigail Kelley, the 2020 scholarship awardee, recently completed her first semester at Maine College of Art. Abby is shown here with a just received $1,000 check.
Reminder: Our February 20, 2:00 p.m., General Meeting will feature member artist demonstrator Chris Banks. Click here for the Zoom meeting link.
Stay safe, stay warm, keep painting.
Michael Rudden,
[email protected]