Plein-Air Painting Event at the Nickerson Family Association
11AM, Saturday, June 29, 2019 at the Nickerson Family Association Campus, 1107 Orleans Road (Route 28), North Chatham.
Journey to the wonderfully colorful and vibrant NFA Campus, home of “Nickerson House” and the c.1829 Caleb Nickerson Homestead with your paints, brushes, easels, canvas and paper and let your creative juices flow with images of: – Sonny Gada’s Floral Arrangements – Historic Architecture of the c.1829 Caleb Nickerson Homestead – Colonial Dooryard Gardens & Raised Garden Beds – A Shingled Bow-Roof Cape-Style House – Bushes, Trees, Flowering Shrubs, set among Brick Walks, a Pea Stone Drive, Picket Fence, Colonial Lanterns and the Lush Green Grass – And Old Glory Flying Proudly.
The images abound and they await your capture!
For more information, contact Debra Lawless, Executive Director at: [email protected] or at 508-945-6086.